Every business is set up to perform perfectly at the level where they're at. With implementing the Traction Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), the goal is to help business management teams figure out where they want to go and to coach them into improving their systems to define and reach new levels of success.
In this conversation with Dale Williams, Chad and Josh learn about why and how an entrepreneur operating system implementation like Traction can help elevate businesses to the next level. Tune in next week for part 2 of this conversation!
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See you next week on the Stronger Business Podcast!
“Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business,” by Gino Wickman
Find out more about Dale Williams and Traction EOS on www.eosworldwide.com/dale-williams!
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Stronger Business: @strongerbusiness
Josh Melton @strongerjosh
Chad Brown @serialcfo
Dale Williams @dalewilliams707
Dale Williams EOS Implementer @dalewilliams_eosimplementer
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