If you're willing to do the work in your business to make it better, that's all you need to successfully implement an entrepreneurial operating system for your business. Over time, as the processes are starting to stick, every businessperson will come out of the process feeling like they have a better grip on what's going on in their company.
In part two of this conversation with Dale, Chad, and Josh, we talk about how to win through the process of implementation without getting bogged down in the emotional overwhelm caused by (positive) change.
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See you next week on the Stronger Business Podcast!
“Traction: Get a Grip on Your Business,” by Gino Wickman
Find out more about Dale Williams and Traction EOS at www.eosworldwide.com/dale-williams!
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Stronger Business: @strongerbusiness
Josh Melton @strongerjosh
Chad Brown @serialcfo
Dale Williams @dalewilliams707
Dale Williams EOS Implementer @dalewilliams_eosimplementer
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