#47 Creating a Culture of Challenge - with Josh and Chad

May 06, 2021 00:48:44
#47 Creating a Culture of Challenge - with Josh and Chad
Stronger Business Podcast
#47 Creating a Culture of Challenge - with Josh and Chad

May 06 2021 | 00:48:44


Show Notes

What is one of the best ways to bring your team into alignment and pursue a strong culture together? If you answered something along the lines of, “team challenges,” then you’re either really good at reading episode titles or you know that creating stories and pursuing a common goal creates community, which strengthens culture.

In this episode, Josh and Chad unpack how the challenges they’ve done over the last year, both in their personal lives and in their businesses, have revolutionized their approach and contributed to massive revenue growth. So strap in and grab a notebook, because the idea will be flying!


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The Entrepreneur Adventure: @theentrepreneuradventure

Josh Melton @sidegigprophet

Chad Brown @serialcfo



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