#86 Sales For Business, Life, and Leadership - with Macy McNeely and Kat Shubert

April 15, 2022 01:05:48
#86 Sales For Business, Life, and Leadership - with Macy McNeely and Kat Shubert
Stronger Business Podcast
#86 Sales For Business, Life, and Leadership - with Macy McNeely and Kat Shubert

Apr 15 2022 | 01:05:48


Show Notes

 When faced with the idea of doing "Sales," most people throw their hands up and back away. But what many of these people don't realize is that they use a version of sales skills every day in many different areas and that they can apply to every area of their life.

In this episode, Macy and Kat explain how to change your mindset and perspective on sales from a pushy, uncomfortable interaction into a conversational guide helping people to make a buying decision! Their company The Guide Culture helps people understand how to learn and apply sales skills in their everyday life. 

If you enjoyed this episode of the podcast, leave us a review and share it with a friend! We always love to hear about how our conversations have impacted you in a positive way.

See you next week on the Stronger Business Podcast!


Find out more about Kat and Macy on guideculture.co, and sign up for The Guide Culture using the code Ilovesales for some great savings!

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Stronger Business: @strongerbusiness

Chad Brown @serialcfo

Josh Melton @strongerjosh

Macy McNeely @macymcneely

Kathryn Shubert @kathrynmshubert

The Guide Culture @theguideculture





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