Invisible toxic choices, built up over time through our reactions to the choices of others have the ability to poison us and our relationships if they aren’t discovered and replaced with healthy habits rooted in Emotional Intelligence. Our guest today, Noble Gibbens, shares with Josh and Chad the story of how he recognized these patterns in his own life several years ago and started the fight against habits and choices built up from childhood. And now he’s sharing his wisdom and learned experience with others through his coaching company, The EQ Gangster!
So if you’ve recognized a need to develop more emotional intelligence in your own life, or if you’ve begun to wonder why you struggle in relationships and your own personal habits, this episode will blow you away and inspire you to start on the path to becoming an EQ Gangster.
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See you next week on The Entrepreneur Adventure!
Find out more about Noble Gibbens and find out how to join his EQ Mafia on, and check out his podcast, EQ Gangster!
Follow us on social media!
The EQ Gangster @eqgangster
Noble Gibbens @thenoblegibbens
The Entrepreneur Adventure: @theentrepreneuradventure
Josh Melton @joshdmelton
Chad Brown @serialcfo
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