#56 Franchising to Generate Local Ownership - with Drew French

July 16, 2021 01:03:57
#56 Franchising to Generate Local Ownership - with Drew French
Stronger Business Podcast
#56 Franchising to Generate Local Ownership - with Drew French

Jul 16 2021 | 01:03:57


Show Notes

Our guest today grew up knowing he wanted to start a restaurant. And not just any restaurant, he wanted to create the very first fast-casual, build your own pizza restaurant franchise. He prepared his pitch and took it to the bank, but they laughed him off, so he had to find another way to come up with funding to launch his first location. But less than fifteen years later his restaurant Your Pie has over 75 locations in 18 states across the U.S.

So this episode is inspiration for the dreamers and doers, the ones who have a big idea that no one else quite gets, and the ones who are ready to work hard to go after it!

If you enjoyed this episode of The Entrepreneur Adventure, leave us a review and share it with a friend!


Find out more about Drew French on franchise.yourpie.com!

Follow us on social media!


Your Pie @yourpiepizza

The Entrepreneur Adventure: @theentrepreneuradventure

Josh Melton @sidegigprophet

Chad Brown @serialcfo

Drew French @thedawgfather




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