#136 Stop, Collaborate, and Listen - with Jake Sapp

March 31, 2023 00:44:33
#136 Stop, Collaborate, and Listen - with Jake Sapp
Stronger Business Podcast
#136 Stop, Collaborate, and Listen - with Jake Sapp

Mar 31 2023 | 00:44:33


Show Notes

Do you have your beer guy's number? Listen to this episode to find out where you can get it and connect with a local celebrity. It's easier to find than you might expect. Before Jake Sapp was bringing people together over ice cold beer, he served as Program Director ESP and co-founded Java Joy as a way to provide meaningful employment for adults with disabilities while giving the community one-of-a-kind opportunities for engagement. A transition in employment to the family business left Jake longing for an opportunity to express his creativity and collaborate with others in the community. Shortly after, Peach State Lite was born. Within just one year, PSL is being sold in hundreds of locations. In  this podcast, Jake shares the tricks to the beer's amazing success. 

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